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How Curated Digital helped improve their client’s creative campaign
Once you’ve narrowed down the creatives that you want to test, the next step is to test that they would be efficient and effective at not only targeting your customers but also persuading them to consider your brand.
What you can learn from the success of the Boots Loyalty Scheme
Many organisations have used loyalty schemes as a sort of quick fix, promotional tool. Whilst loyalty schemes can act as a form of promotion to a degree, it can be an expensive way of doing so. However, the real benefit of loyalty schemes can be seen in the rich data.
The future of sustainability in loyalty programmes
Sustainability is a way of living to meet human needs whilst also maintaining a healthy environment. In 2020, we began a series of studies looking into loyalty and what drives brand love among consumers. A major point we wanted to consider was the importance of sustainability in brand loyalty.
A guide to understanding Market Research
Market research spans many different forms and methodologies, but it has one simple purpose: to help businesses and organisations make better decisions by helping them better understand their customers and market(s). This simple guide will give you a quick overview of the main methodologies, and help you to avoid the common pitfalls many organisations make in research.
Food For Thought: How the grocery sector is leading the way for loyalty schemes
Even with the rise and popularity of Netflix, Amazon Prime and other subscription based services, 71% of the UK population have a loyalty scheme in the grocery sector compared to just 32% of the UK who have loyalty incentives with entertainment services.
Self pay: A new opportunity for weight loss
We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices. Defined as having a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30, obesity is considered one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century.
How to engage with Digital Opinion Leaders
The word Key Opinion Leader is used widely in the healthcare industry, however, there are new emerging thought leaders called Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs) that are becoming increasingly known in the healthcare world. DOLs have mastered how to share and access information in the digital world through the use of social media, so how exactly do you engage with a digital opinion leader?
Why improving your user experience can help your brand
Your website is one of the most important tools to showcase your brand, product or service, so you want to make sure it’s performing at its best right? That’s where user experience or UX comes into play, as this can have a huge impact on how people perceive your brand.
How To Measure The Success Of Your Creative Campaigns
When you’re spending a lot of money on your advertisement, you want to ensure that you’re not wasting your budget on underperforming campaigns right? By investing in creative testing, you’ll be able to measure just how successful your creative campaigns will be amongst your target audience, meaning you will save money, ensure you exceed your KPIs and grow your revenue.
Why you need to be investing in UX Research
Arguably, one of the most important factors when building or developing your digital product is understanding your users and what exactly they are doing when they land on your website or app - that’s where UX research comes in.
Primary Research: The 8th P in the Marketing Mix
The Marketing Mix also known as the 7Ps have long been written about and applied to many marketing strategies, however a marketing strategy that consists of; product, place, price, promotion, physical evidence, people and processes lacks one thing, primary research.
How To Build A User Focused Digital Product
Having an idea and building a product is one thing but knowing who your users are is fundamental to building a successful product, because what’s the point in spending time and money on something that doesn’t listen or suit your customers needs?
A Day in the Life of our Research Analyst
This month, we would like to introduce you to our wonderful Research Analyst, Javier Amor. Working in our Research Team, Javi is key to analysing important data for our key clients to provide meaningful insights. An important member of our team, we sat down to find out what a normal day looks like for Javi at Rare:, what it’s like to work remotely from Spain and what Javi likes to do in his spare time.
Is Social Media Changing The Way Healthcare is Accessed?
With more people turning to the internet or social media platforms as a ‘first point of call’, including for health purposes, whether that’s aftercare tips following surgery or advice on skin conditions from dermatologists, social media is playing a big part in how the public can access healthcare information.
Managing The Innovation Process Through A Product Council
Developing a digital product can be a long and sometimes challenging process, without a proper structure in place things may not always go as planned. So, knowing how to manage the development of your product is paramount to making sure it succeeds in the marketplace.
The Impact of Social Media on KOL Mapping
One industry that is yet to fully embrace social media is the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry but with key opinion leaders (KOLs) becoming more present online, social media is beginning to have an impact on the KOL mapping process, as it can’t be ignored as a source of networking and engagement.
5 steps to performing KOL Mapping
Identifying and engaging with your KOLs can be a difficult task, it’s not quite as simple as finding someone influential in your industry and reaching out to them. There are a number of important steps to follow to perform your KOL mapping strategy, from conducting thorough research on your KOLs, understanding their viewpoints to creating a plan of action on how you are going to engage with them.
Ideas to Innovation: Creating A Product Ready To Market
There is no shortage of ideas out there, as the saying goes “ideas are a dime a dozen, but those who can put them into practice are priceless.” You may have had a few of your own ideas over the years or maybe you have an idea you are ready to make a reality? But, do you know how to create a successful product that is ready to market and guaranteed to succeed?
The Basics Of KOL Mapping
Over the years, you’ve probably heard of the word ‘influencer’, particularly if you are a marketer looking to target a key audience through social media. But have you heard of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and the term KOL mapping?
Brand Reputation Series - Oct Review - Issue 4 Retail: Who’s surviving and who’s thriving?
During the past five months, we have been tracking the UK’s perception of brands across various sectors to uncover their performance on trust and likeability, and their overall response to the Coronavirus pandemic.