A Day in the Life of our Research Analyst

This month, we would like to introduce you to our wonderful Research Analyst, Javier Amor. Working in our Research Team, Javi is key to analysing important data for our key clients to provide meaningful insights. An important member of our team, we sat down to find out what a normal day looks like for Javi at Rare:, what it’s like to work remotely from Spain and what Javi likes to do in his spare time.

What is your role as Research Analyst?

As a Research Analyst, I spend my time between data tables and scripts. I have to be sure that every project we have in field is running smoothly, and extract useful insights from those data, where I then provide easy-to-read charts and tables to the rest of the team.

What is your background?

My background is very varied, from Language and Literature to Multimedia, and the last company I worked for was a big Telco one. I was supporting clients with technical issues in ADSL or FTTH. I had the opportunity to move to the data analysis world and I did it after training courses at the Market Research Society.

What is life like at Rare:?

I have found an amazing team at Rare:! Everyone is keen to help when someone needs something, and even when the workload is challenging or the things are not flowing as expected, the feeling is easy. I found significant that being based overseas I was able to feel integrated with the team, both in office times (the old normal) and in remote working times (the new normal). That's because the team is awesome.

What are your biggest professional challenges?

Improving my skills when it comes to data analysis, so the conclusions we can extract from data are more efficient and, most important, deeper and more insightful. To do so, I started a training programme to learn programming in R.

Also, continuing improving my English skills step by step, with reading and daily work. It is a must for me.

What are your biggest achievements to date?

Working for a company in a language different from my first language, and feeling confident and relaxed at the same time is a big achievement for me as a professional. And in the personal area, my kids love me, what's best?

What kind of goals do you have?

As a professional, my closest goal is to finish my courses in R programming as I mentioned before, so the tools I have to do my work could be widen. R is a really powerful tool to analyse and manipulate big datasets.

What have you been listening to/watching recently?

I have been listening to some recent discoveries in music, like Mass for Peace, by Karl Jenkins, and old classics like Fauré's Requiem and Beethoven's Symphonies. I am also always revisiting other stuff like The Penguin Cafe Orchestra or Philip Glass records.

Also, I just finished reading 'The Magic Mountain', by Thomas Mann. And 1984 by Orwell is coming its way. I love classics!

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

I enjoy doing really simple things, like running at dawn -always barefoot!, walking the dog and staying with family at home. But I am always studying or reading something in my spare time!


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