A picture of a doctor in white coat with stethoscope used as cover for the Aesthetics report for London. The title says 'Understanding the medical aesthetics market: Greater and City of London 2023'.

London: Understanding the Medical Aesthetics Market

Focusing on London, this report looks at how the Medical Aesthetics industry is evolving in this region, reporting on:

  • What the current market size of London is

  • What is motivating people to get treatment in London

  • How do people feel about treatment and what could potentially be stopping them from getting treatment

  • An overview of how many clinics operate in London and what treatments they offer

Using our Aesthetic Consumer Tracker, we’re able to continuously monitors and reports on the growth and opportunities in treatment types, patient attitudes, trends and themes.

3 quick stats about the findings included in the report in form of a simple infography (how many people in London have had a treatment and what's their attitude)