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Managing The Innovation Process Through A Product Council
Developing a digital product can be a long and sometimes challenging process, without a proper structure in place things may not always go as planned. So, knowing how to manage the development of your product is paramount to making sure it succeeds in the marketplace.
The Impact of Social Media on KOL Mapping
One industry that is yet to fully embrace social media is the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry but with key opinion leaders (KOLs) becoming more present online, social media is beginning to have an impact on the KOL mapping process, as it can’t be ignored as a source of networking and engagement.
5 steps to performing KOL Mapping
Identifying and engaging with your KOLs can be a difficult task, it’s not quite as simple as finding someone influential in your industry and reaching out to them. There are a number of important steps to follow to perform your KOL mapping strategy, from conducting thorough research on your KOLs, understanding their viewpoints to creating a plan of action on how you are going to engage with them.
Ideas to Innovation: Creating A Product Ready To Market
There is no shortage of ideas out there, as the saying goes “ideas are a dime a dozen, but those who can put them into practice are priceless.” You may have had a few of your own ideas over the years or maybe you have an idea you are ready to make a reality? But, do you know how to create a successful product that is ready to market and guaranteed to succeed?
The Basics Of KOL Mapping
Over the years, you’ve probably heard of the word ‘influencer’, particularly if you are a marketer looking to target a key audience through social media. But have you heard of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and the term KOL mapping?
Brand Reputation Series - Oct Review - Issue 4 Retail: Who’s surviving and who’s thriving?
During the past five months, we have been tracking the UK’s perception of brands across various sectors to uncover their performance on trust and likeability, and their overall response to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Brand Reputation Series - October Review - Issue 3 Grocery: Who’s loved and who’s loathed?
When measuring consumer opinion of whether brands have responded well to the pandemic, the grocery sector increased its score by 1%. The normalisation of price after an inflationary spike of 2.5% in the first month of lockdown (Source: IFS) and the changes in promotions, played a key role in driving this metric upward in this sector.
Brand Reputation Series - October Review - Issue 2 Banking: Does the sector have control of the pandemic?
When it comes to consumer trust, the Banking sector is the most stable among the four, at 25% since August and showing a decrease of 3% since May. We have also observed that in the banking sector trust has increased 2% from 31% to 33%.
Brand Reputation Series - October Review - Issue 1 Telecommunications: Who’s making changes?
The telecommunication sector has shown the worst decrease in trust from 32% to 29%. However, following the trend observed it has increased by 1% in the last month. This might be because many companies are not returning to work in offices in the foreseeable future and working from home is fuelling a surge in sign-ups for the UK’s ultrafast broadband.
Brand Reputation Series - Issue 5: How Well Is The Banking Sector Performing?
Delving deeper into the banking industry, we asked UK consumers which banks they like. The overall decreasing sentiment towards banks may be a result of the current recession and the drop in interest rates banks can offer at this time.
Brand Reputation Series - Issue 4: Who Is Winning In The Retail Sector?
The trend in retail differs slightly from other sectors, such as telecommunications, as we observed a steady decline from the beginning of April to 6th June. In April, McKinsey predicted that 80% of retail stores would be in financial distress if they remained shut for a further two months.
Brand Reputation Series - Issue 3: Which Brands Are Winning In The Telecoms Sector?
We have been tracking the UK’s perception of brands across the Telecoms sector. From the beginning of April, when we started to track brand reputation, there has been an overall, steady decline in the number of people who believe the sector has responded well to Coronavirus.
Brand Reputation Series - Issue 2: How well Is The Grocery Sector Performing?
When we began tracking trust, the majority of UK consumers had faith in the grocery sector (58%) with sales rising by £500m as Brits adjusted their shopping habits to their lockdown lifestyle. But this trust has since eroded by 16%. After wearing masks became mandatory, shoppers made fewer trips to the grocery store.
Brand Reputation Series - Issue 1: How Well Have Brands Responded To The Coronavirus Pandemic?
During the past five months, we have tracked the UK’s perception of brands across various sectors to uncover their performance on trust and likeability, and their overall response to the Coronavirus pandemic. Our aim is to understand which brands are coming top in each sector across these factors and predict their future performance based on consumer behaviour.
Q&A with John Stapleton about over-55s on online shopping
We spoke to John Stapleton, entrepreneur, angel investor and co-founder of New Covent Garden Soup and Little Dish, who shared his insights into this group’s apparent shift to online shopping and his advice on how brands should respond.
Over-55s and the new customer experience
As part of our in-depth study into changing consumption patterns of over-55s since the onset of Covid-19, we interviewed Scott Logie - Customer Engagement Director, REaD Group for his thoughts on how this age group is embracing online shopping, and what brands and retailers must do to maximise the opportunity.
Consistency is the key to plastic-free loyalty
Nowhere will trust be more important than in the battle brands face to convince consumers they are committed to reducing plastic waste. In itself, this could be crucial to the future of many businesses, particularly food, drink and packaged goods providers.
Who are the real plastic-free pioneers?
Plastic-free living is rising up the agenda as the human race gets to grips with the threat of the climate crisis. But who’s really leading the charge for change - consumers or business?
Will the supply chain respond to demands on plastic?
It all begins with an idea. The solution to going plastic free is Rubik’s Cube-like in its complexity. This is in no small part dictated by a firmly entrenched UK supply chain. The industry is a dominant player worldwide in the three core elements that make up the plastics sector: material and additive manufacture, material processing and machinery manufacture.