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Healthcare, Digital Opinion Leaders Rare: Group Healthcare, Digital Opinion Leaders Rare: Group

How to engage with Digital Opinion Leaders

The word Key Opinion Leader is used widely in the healthcare industry, however, there are new emerging thought leaders called Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs) that are becoming increasingly known in the healthcare world. DOLs have mastered how to share and access information in the digital world through the use of social media, so how exactly do you engage with a digital opinion leader?

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Healthcare Rare: Group Healthcare Rare: Group

Is Social Media Changing The Way Healthcare is Accessed?

With more people turning to the internet or social media platforms as a ‘first point of call’, including for health purposes, whether that’s aftercare tips following surgery or advice on skin conditions from dermatologists, social media is playing a big part in how the public can access healthcare information.

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Healthcare Rare: Group Healthcare Rare: Group

The Impact of Social Media on KOL Mapping

One industry that is yet to fully embrace social media is the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry but with key opinion leaders (KOLs) becoming more present online, social media is beginning to have an impact on the KOL mapping process, as it can’t be ignored as a source of networking and engagement.

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