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UK's Audiology Landscape: Uncovering the Hotspots and Cold Spots
Check out the latest stats from the Private UK audiology market
What is Medical Wellness?
The term ‘wellness’ isn’t a new concept to the healthcare industry, although people used to have a much narrower perspective on what it encompassed. Today, people are much more aware of the benefits of wellness and how this can be incorporated into their everyday lives to enhance their own health.
Top Healthcare Trends for 2023
The healthcare industry continues to be at the forefront of innovation, with technological advancements providing clarity for consumers about their own health and delivering deeper insights into a rapidly changing marketplace.
Pioneering the healthcare industry: What new drugs are coming to the market?
With chronic diseases on the rise, the demand for healthcare solutions is transforming the pharmaceutical industry. The global demand to meet these medical needs means that every year brings new and anticipated drug approvals.
Wearable health technology: Taking healthcare into our own hands
Taking healthcare into their own hands, people are able to shift from a ‘point of need’ mindset to a continuous care outlook. Such advancements means that patients and healthcare professionals are able to monitor chronic and serious illnesses day-to-day, from diabetes to chronic diseases and neurological disorders.
Advancing KOL mapping in healthcare through technology
KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) is a term widely used in the healthcare industry, they provide key insights into the development of healthcare trends, regulations and policies. When partnering with a KOL, they create awareness of an organisation’s brand, product or service.
The rise of self-pay in healthcare
Self-pay healthcare continues to be on the rise, so we can’t ignore it. As the proportion of consultants’ income from self-pay hits a new record high, we think this trend is likely to continue growth - even as we move into more certain times, post COVID pandemic.
Key Opinion Leaders: Who are they and why do you need them?
Key opinion leaders or KOLs are becoming a fundamental part of any business strategy, with more organisations using KOLs to promote their brand, products or services. With their industry insights, KOLs can make you stand out from your competitors and have a positive impact on your ROI.
Top trends in healthcare for 2022
The last two years have seen a shift in behaviours across a variety of sectors, and healthcare is no different. An industry that was midway through a mainly technological shift in behaviours has accelerated at a pace beyond initial expectations in several areas, with the pandemic playing its part in encouraging the adoption of new behaviours, and the desire to be safer in general.
How is COVID-19 shaping the self-pay healthcare industry?
COVID-19 has had an unprecedented effect on the UK healthcare system, placing a great strain on the public healthcare system. There has been a vast reduction in many procedures carried out by the NHS, and an increase in wait lists that may take years to return to normal levels. Many consumers who may not previously have used private healthcare are considering the use of self-pay healthcare, as they seek alternatives to NHS wait lists.
Self pay: A new opportunity for weight loss
We live in an increasingly obesogenic environment, making it harder for individuals to avoid unhealthy lifestyle choices. Defined as having a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 30, obesity is considered one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century.
How to engage with Digital Opinion Leaders
The word Key Opinion Leader is used widely in the healthcare industry, however, there are new emerging thought leaders called Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs) that are becoming increasingly known in the healthcare world. DOLs have mastered how to share and access information in the digital world through the use of social media, so how exactly do you engage with a digital opinion leader?
Is Social Media Changing The Way Healthcare is Accessed?
With more people turning to the internet or social media platforms as a ‘first point of call’, including for health purposes, whether that’s aftercare tips following surgery or advice on skin conditions from dermatologists, social media is playing a big part in how the public can access healthcare information.
The Impact of Social Media on KOL Mapping
One industry that is yet to fully embrace social media is the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry but with key opinion leaders (KOLs) becoming more present online, social media is beginning to have an impact on the KOL mapping process, as it can’t be ignored as a source of networking and engagement.
5 steps to performing KOL Mapping
Identifying and engaging with your KOLs can be a difficult task, it’s not quite as simple as finding someone influential in your industry and reaching out to them. There are a number of important steps to follow to perform your KOL mapping strategy, from conducting thorough research on your KOLs, understanding their viewpoints to creating a plan of action on how you are going to engage with them.
The Basics Of KOL Mapping
Over the years, you’ve probably heard of the word ‘influencer’, particularly if you are a marketer looking to target a key audience through social media. But have you heard of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) and the term KOL mapping?