A Day in the Life of our Market Research Executive

It’s time to meet another member of the Rare: Group team and this time we’d like you to meet our lovely Junior Market Researcher, Maddy Wynn Jones, who joined the Consulting team earlier this year. Since becoming a member of Rare:, Maddy has cemented herself as a valuable member of the research team, so we’ve sat down with her to discuss what her role entails, how she got into research and what she likes to do in her spare time.

What is your role as Market Research Executive

My role primarily entails desk research and its focus depends on the client. Recently Rare: gave me the opportunity to lead a project in healthcare which I grabbed with both hands. It’s been great liaising with clients and taking ownership of project development. Alongside desk research, I assist with other tasks, including reports, surveys and blogs.

What is your background?

For my undergraduate degree, I studied Sports Science and Physiology at the University of Leeds. For my postgraduate degree, I completed a research masters specialising in Biomechanics. I researched concussion prevention in rugby at Swansea University. The research was fascinating, especially during the time when professional players could not remember their performance, such as Steve Thompson during the World Cup. I take great interest in researching as you are constantly building on your knowledge. This is why Rare: suits me to a T. Each client offers new projects which present new learnings.

What is life like at Rare:?

I have yet to meet the team in the flesh as I joined Rare: during lockdown. It’s quite easy to feel adrift working remotely but from day one, it was clear to me how well the team gelled. Everyone meshes so well, bouncing off each other during standup meetings. It’s a testament in itself that I am itching to meet everyone. Aside from company dynamics, the support offered has been great from managers and team members, offering new opportunities for training and learnings. Working at Rare: is hard work and by no means a walk in the park, but accomplishing client satisfaction is so worth it!

What are your biggest achievements to date? Professional or personal

My biggest achievement would be rowing for GB and completing the 3 peaks challenge in 24 hours

What kind of goals do you have?

Workwise, my main goal is to learn more, train more, and take on more roles and responsibilities. Each client presents new opportunities for skills to be learned. Outside of work, I’ve always wanted to complete a triathlon. I love cycling and running, but am told I swim vertically upright like a seahorse - so this will be my challenge. Swimming aside, I’ve jumped in at the deep end on many occasions by trying new things - what’s the worst that can really happen eh? As my mum always says “no one's leg will fall off, so just do it”.

What are your hobbies/interests outside of work?

Outside of work I am very sporty. I run most days, play hockey and am keen to give rugby a go - why not eh? I spend my weekends galavanting around London with my friends and pop over to my sister’s flat a few stops down the tube as much as I can during the week - these visits are crucial as she has two newly appointed flat members - Suki and Max, the kittens.

Describe Rare: in 3 words

Hard. Satisfying. Insightful.


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