UK Laser Treatment Equipment Market: Top Manufacturers Based on Clinic Mentions

The laser treatment market in the UK is growing rapidly, with thousands of clinics offering advanced technologies for various aesthetic and medical procedures. To provide better insight into the most popular brands in this competitive market, we analysed data from 6,688 clinics that offer laser treatments across the UK. The data reflects the mentions of manufacturers and brands on their websites, revealing interesting trends.

At Rare: Monitor we offer evaluation of brand performance for manufacturers. One metric we use is brand amplification, which is the measure of how many clinics mention using a particular brand or product.

Brand Amplification: Top Laser Treatment Manufacturers in the UK

Based on the data we collected, Sciton emerged as the dominant brand, with 35% share of mentions by clinics. The next largest player is Inmode, with 16%, followed by Alma Lasers, which holds 13% of the market mentions. 

Here’s a breakdown of the top manufacturers mentioned by UK clinics:

Insights Into the Market

The data shows that a few key players dominate the market. Sciton, with over one-third of the market share, is a clear leader. Inmode and Alma Lasers together account for nearly 30%, showcasing a strong level of visibility in the industry.

Smaller brands such as Candela, DEKA, and Lumenis are also notable, though their share of mentions is significantly lower. Meanwhile, brands categorized under "Others" have less than 2% of the market, indicating limited exposure or usage.


This data highlights the competitive landscape of laser treatment equipment manufacturers in the UK. Clinics rely heavily on a few established brands to meet their laser treatment needs, with Sciton leading the charge for brand amplification. 

Stay tuned as we continue to track changes in this dynamic market!


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